Marrari-Carstens photo

Landowner Education Workshops April and May

Friends’ Landowner Education Series programs for those of you who want to learn the what, the how and the who for dealing with the terrestrial invasive species on your property. Learn plant identification, methods and processes to remove invasives, and find contractors to help you do the work or teach you to do it yourself. Visit Read more about Landowner Education Workshops April and May[…]

February 15 Applications due for Landowner Assistance under Forest Weed Grant

WDNR FOREST WEED GRANT LANDOWNER OPPORTUNITY! $/ACRE reimbursement for your restoration work. Application Deadline February 15, 2016. 2016 FWG Land Owner Application & Rubric Got Buckthorn? Frustrated with Garlic Mustard? Loathe Honeysuckle? Now is your chance to fight back and receive financial assistance from Friends of the Mukwonago River! We helped landowners manage 16 acres of invasive Read more about February 15 Applications due for Landowner Assistance under Forest Weed Grant[…]

Forest Weed Grant Applications Soon

Watch for more information on Friends’ second round landowner Forest Weed grants.  They will be available soon. Please attend the next two landowner visits and workshops next week to see how this program has helped them and can help you eliminate the invasives on your property. Tuesday October 13 5:30-7 p.m. Invasive Species Education Series Read more about Forest Weed Grant Applications Soon[…]

Master Plan for Lulu Lake/Mukwonago River Unit

You can still comment on the four proposals for the master plan and help decide how these areas should be developed for use by the public. WDNR information and maps here. Send your emails to before September 15. The key elements that have been allowed to date, hunting, fishing, hiking, etc. will continue in Read more about Master Plan for Lulu Lake/Mukwonago River Unit[…]

September/October Events

2015 FoMR Calendar Sept Oct See calendar and events for information about opportunities for you to learn about Friends and invasive species that you will encounter on your property. Fall chainsaw training available at Riveredge Nature Center. See SAWW Class Flyer- Riveredge for details.

Friends’ July, August, September Calendar

Paddles. Hikes and Volunteer Opportunities: July 18, Saturday  Hike Beulah Bluff Preserve 11:00am We welcome you to visit Beulah Bluff Preserve and its outstanding overlook. Meet Eric Tarman-Ramcheck. He and his family partnered with the Kettle Moraine Land Trust to protect this special place. Areas of the preserve have been restored. Note that no restrooms or Read more about Friends’ July, August, September Calendar[…]

Site Visit Opportunities under Landowner Education Series This Week

See Events for these great opportunities to visit sites managed under the Forest Weed grant. Please attend, see what others have done and learn what you can do on your private land. 2015 FoMR Calendar Thursday May 14 6:00p,m. Invasive Species Education Series Workshop Walking Tour Visit this site and see what is possible. Frederick Property, W5198 Bluff Read more about Site Visit Opportunities under Landowner Education Series This Week[…]

Signing contracts next week under the Forest Weed Grant

Friends had nine applicants under this grant and we are signing contracts with eight landowners with from 1-4 acres which will be reimbursed for terrestrial invasive removal. We think this is a great program which will teach landowners how to deal with invasive removal and after removal projects and will help us to educate others Read more about Signing contracts next week under the Forest Weed Grant[…]

Financial Assistance to Remove Invasives for Watershed Landowners

FOREST WEED GRANT LANDOWNER OPPORTUNITY! Application Deadline February 1, 2015 Got Buckthorn? Frustrated with Garlic Mustard? Loathe Honeysuckle? Now is your chance to fight back and receive financial assistance from Friends of the Mukwonago River! Landowners in the Mukwonago River Watershed have a unique opportunity to learn control techniques for these and other invasive species while Read more about Financial Assistance to Remove Invasives for Watershed Landowners[…]