Annual Events
- Annual Watershed Pancake Breakfast with Lake Beulah partners.
- Annual Watershed Awareness Weekend Event.
- Adopt a Highway bi-annual cleanup along County Highway LO.
- Cleanup at Lulu Lake picnic site with TNC and Eagle Spring Lake Management District.
- Hikes and paddles in the watershed to you to explore the river environs.
Protection and Restoration
- Jericho Creek headwater protection and creek restoration
- Restoration of habitat for self-reproducing wild Brook Trout population on Jericho Creek.
- Trout habitat improvements throughout the river.
- River cleanup activities on the Jericho Creek.
- John Lyons annual fish surveys of the Mukwonago River and Jericho Creek.
- Input with others on the approved Master plan for Mukwonago River Unit/Lake Lulu SNA -KMSF.
- Assist with implementation of the SEWRPC Mukwonago River Protection Plan
- Permanent conservation of key watershed parcels whose development could be harmful. TNC, WCLC have recent purchases in the watershed to protect the rivver and its resources.
- Fostering citizen involvement in local comprehensive land use planning.
- Community education/outreach on the value of the Mukwonago River.
- Work with decision-makers and developers to foster sound land-use decision-making and river-friendly development where it is appropriate.
- Watershed awareness and education programs to youth, riparian owners, municipal leaders, and recreational users in the watershed.
- WDNR Aquatic Invasives Species Control Grant for corbicula fluminea.
- WDNR Forest Weed Management Grant. We have successfully completed two grants with our landowners.
- Grant applications with local river support organizations.
- Strategic planning and action plans for the Friends’ organization.
- Case Statement for fundraising efforts, short and long term.
- Work for and with our Sponsors.
- Turtle crossing signs and awareness program.
- Partner with local youth camps to educate and create fun projects.
- Partner with local lake districts to educate about watershed