Reimbursement for your restoration work at $/Acre.
Application Deadline August 31, 2020.
2020 FWG Land Owner Application & Rubric
Got Buckthorn? Frustrated with Garlic Mustard? Loathe Honeysuckle? Other new invasives on your mind? Now is your chance to fight back and receive financial assistance from Friends of the Mukwonago River!
Landowners in the Mukwonago River Watershed have a unique opportunity to receive financial assistance as they learn control techniques for these and other invasive species and perform restoration on their own wooded properties under a Forest Weed Grant through the Friends of the Mukwonago River. We helped landowners manage almost 50 acres of invasive removal and restoration under two previous grants. This grant will run to June 30, 2021.
Interested? The landowner application is here 2020 FWG Land Owner Application & Rubric.
Figure out where and what on your property you want to manage. You will need to submit and follow a management plan that we will provide once we determine qualifications. This will require a 25% matching grant, your contribution to the effort.
Questions? Contact Friends