December 9, 2009


Friends of the Mukwonago River is a member organization which utilizes volunteers for all of our activities.  Our members and volunteers are the watchdogs for activities that impact our lakes, river, tributaries and surrounding land.  They serve to cleanup, enhance, and protect the natural resources in the watershed.  Our volunteers work with our partners to remove invasive species, count the birds, monitor the habitat of the critters and sustain this watershed with their volunteer spirit.  We appreciate your efforts.

Our volunteers are the lifeblood of this organization. We would love to have your help in any capacity you can contribute. Please contact us today with your skills and interests.

Sign up for Friends’ volunteer opportunities using our Volunteer form.  View Upcoming Events for more opportunities.  Visit Friends’ Facebook page for status updates .

Find additional volunteer opportunities in the Mukwonago River Watershed with our partner, The Nature Conservancy.